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Visit Livorno / Theaters / Modigliani Forum

Modigliani Forum

Not only concerts and major sporting events: the Modigliani Forum is able to accommodate trade shows, corporate conventions, meetings, conferences, competitions, gala dinners, photo shoots, television recordings.

Not only concerts and major sports events: the Modigliani Forum is able to host trade fairs, corporate conventions, meetings, conferences, competitions, gala dinners, photoshoots, and television recordings. The modularity that characterizes the Modigliani Forum allows for easy accommodation of both large and smaller events in terms of size and number of participants. In many cases, thanks to the ample availability of spaces, it is possible to have multiple events simultaneously without interference, to provide organizers with a greater number of available dates.

PalaLivorno S.c.r.l. is the company responsible for managing the Modigliani Forum, in which PRG Public Relation Group S.r.l., LEG Live Emotion Group S.r.l., and TRE-ERRE Communications S.r.l. are included. All three companies belong to Assomusica, the association of live music show organizers and producers. The members of the company have extensive experience in managing sports and entertainment activities. In particular, Claudio Bertini and Massimo Gramigni from PRG are also founding members and President of the Palasport Firenze association, which has been managing the Nelson Mandela Forum since 2003. Sandro Giacomelli, through LEG Group, has been organizing and promoting events for years, offering a service that spans various fields of event management, from production to sponsorship to ticketing. Riccardo Rossato, as the Administrator of Tre-Erre Communications S.r.l., is involved in the management of sports facilities, including the historic PalaCecconi facility in Livorno.

Modigliani Forum
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