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Visit Livorno / Museums / Trossi Uberti Art Foundation

Trossi Uberti Art Foundation

Trossi Uberti Art Foundation
via Giuseppe Ravizza, 76 (event entrance, via Pastrengo, 21)
Tel. 0586 492184 – 392 7010553

Countess Corinna, daughter of Carlo Trossi, inherited the Villa in 1927 and continued to reside there with her husband Dino Uberti, already a successful industrialist and amateur painter with a complete artistic education.

Both born in Biella, art lovers and enthusiasts, they established a special bond of affection with Livorno and its artistic environment. This bond led the countess, who remained a widow without direct heirs, to conceive the project of an Art Foundation. The City of Livorno, designated as the universal heir for this purpose, would constitute the foundation in their name and that of her husband, in order to foster artistic passion in young Livornese people, focusing on training in painting, drawing, and sculpture.

The bequest consisted of Villa Trossi on Via Ravizza with its real estate assets, some agricultural land in the municipality of Livorno, and other movable goods, intended to constitute available assets to support institutional purposes.

The City of Livorno received the important donation upon the countess’s death on February 17, 1953, a testament to her generous love for the city, and established the Trossi-Uberti Cultural Art Foundation.

Recognized by a decree of the President of the Republic, the FTU began its activities in 1961 under the presidency of Ettore Borra, who had already been appointed as the countess’s executor and designated by her as the lifelong president of the foundation in her will.

Trossi Uberti Art Foundation
  • Trossi Uberti Art Foundation
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