Theatres at the Center – Gender Issues
  • Fri 15 March 2024

Visit Livorno / Events / Theatres at the Center – Gender Issues

Theatres at the Center – Gender Issues

21.00 – Il Grattacielo Theatre (via del Platano)
Directed and Written by Eleonora Zacchi. With Riccardo de Francesca and Eleonora Zacchi. Music by Alessio Colombini.
Promoted by Soroptimist International Club Livorno

Be very careful about making a woman cry, because God counts her tears! A radio study, two speakers and a program dedicated to a current topic, namely the figure of women over time. In the alternation of the typical moments of radio broadcasts, “on air” and “off air”, the two actors tell us the story of an ordinary woman, a woman like many others, separated, with her children to support, working. The story unfolds through the daily experiences of our protagonist but also through the misogyny of Arthur Schopenhauer, the rebellion of Simon de Beavoir, the moving words of Thomas Sankara addressed to the women of Burkina Faso. All this proves that episodes of abuse have always been carried out by men towards women and, to this day, nothing seems to have changed. It is starting from this bitter awareness that the two protagonists address all men and all women to keep in mind that it is urgent to define and assert the role and place of women in society…

Theatres at the Center – Gender Issues
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