Tarabaralla – Extracts from the show

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Tarabaralla – Extracts from the show

At 23:00

Free event

Mayor Von Frinzius

Those who cannot live their own love carry with them a pain, unspeakable, indescribable, and incomprehensible, that is why they mask everything with a smile. It takes courage to leave. When souls are captivated by each other, the sense of belonging is total, it is like feeling your own leg, head, hand … and then not feeling it anymore.

Because, when you have found a balance, the anemos comes, the wind that shatters, and then you need to understand that the soul is fleeing from itself, from that story, from that gaze, you need to slowly walk away, tiptoeing. If you have loved, you understand that to close a door you must do it with love, causing an inevitable pain but avoiding it to be a stab. If someone who no longer loves cannot find the courage, it is up to those who are still captivated to help them leave, and this is the most painful exercise that existence asks of us, but useful to have curiosity about ourselves.

Who will I be after you? Who will I be after the Mayors? In the lack of an answer, curiosity about the future is born.

Tarabaralla – Extracts from the show
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