Tarabaralla – It takes courage to let go

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Tarabaralla – It takes courage to let go

At 10:00 PM

Free event

Show – Lamberto Giannini

«Those who cannot live their love carry with them a pain, unspeakable, inexpressible and incomprehensible, for this reason they mask everything with a smile. It takes courage to leave. When souls are captivated by each other, the sense of belonging is total, it is like feeling your leg, head, hand… and then not feeling it anymore.

Because when you have found a balance, the anemos comes, the wind that shakes things up, and then you must understand that the soul is fleeing from itself, from that story, from that gaze, you must slowly walk away, on tiptoe. If you have loved, you understand that to close a door you must do it with love, causing an inevitable pain but avoiding it to be a stab.

If those who no longer love do not find the courage, it is up to those who are still captivated to help them leave you, and this is the most painful exercise that existence demands of us, but useful to have curiosity about ourselves. Who will I be after you? Who will I be after the Mayor? In the absence of an answer, curiosity about the future is born. Who will I be after you? Who will I be after the Mayor?» by Lamberto Giannini

After 28 years of activity, the Mayor Von Frinzius Company by Lamberto Giannini is still ready to amaze its audience. The show is the result of a whole year of theater workshop held at least twice a week: the direction is signed by Lamberto Giannini, Rachele Casali and Silvia Angiolini, with stage direction by Francesco Pacini, and about sixty actors, disabled and non-disabled, of all ages starting from 16 years old, are treading the stage.

Like every MVF show, Tarabaralla also develops like the playlist of a pop concert in which emotional monologues alternate with choreographies and funny sketches. Central is the theme of abandonment, explored in different and fascinating facets, but always with the desire to look ahead and leave the worst behind. This year’s work is deeply introspective, crossing the souls of all three directors, exposing weaknesses, emotions, fears… those emotions and fears that seem so terrifying when experienced but find relief through meeting others and sharing. A real catharsis, a digging within, a whirlwind of wind that passes through you, drives away the clouds and brings you back to the light, but also a succession of laughter and extremely funny moments.

The Mayor Von Frinzius direction is a six-handed direction and therefore often during the creative process the roles intersect, but this year too we will mainly listen to music chosen by Rachele Casali, texts written by Lamberto Giannini, and observe movements choreographed by Silvia Angiolini.

The actors’ skill is overwhelming, both of the most historical ones and of the newcomers, as the former have been carrying on their growth path for years while the latter, planting themselves in already fertile and lush ground, benefit from the work of others as if they too had lived the same story.

Tarabaralla – It takes courage to let go
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