Historical reenactment of Livorno at the rank of City
  • Sun 7 April 2024
Piazza Grande-Fortezza Nuova

Visit Livorno / Events / Historical reenactment of Livorno at the rank of City

Historical reenactment of Livorno at the rank of City

On Sunday, April 7th, Fortezza Nuova will host the afternoon celebrations for the reenactment of Livorno becoming a city (1606).
The program will start in the morning with the historical reenactment in Piazza Grande

The program of the entire day of events, provided by the association La Livornina, is as follows:

9:30 am – Historical procession, accompanied by musicians and flag bearers, that will pass through Viale degli avvalorati, Via della Madonna and Via Grande.

10:00 am – Flag throwers performances in Piazza Grande.

10:30 am – Holy Mass officiated by Bishop Simone Giusti. This will be followed by the Capperuccio ceremony, institutional greetings and a speech by Dr. Massimo Sanacore.

Also, the solemn vestition of the brothers and sisters of the Misericordie livornesi will be celebrated.

From 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm afternoon activities will take place at Fortezza Nuova: treasure hunt and games for children, reenactment of a popular market, historical dances, performance by the White Company group, show “Trial of the witch Caterina dei Volterrani”, performance by the artist Lory Bold.

Historical reenactment of Livorno at the rank of City
  • Historical reenactment of Livorno at the rank of City
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