Free event with free admission.
On Saturday, December 9th at 5:30 PM, the 4 Mori Cinema Theater hosts and organizes, in collaboration with the Sillabe publishing house, the presentation of the volume “Tutti al cinema appassionatamente – 75 anni di associazionismo a Livorno” written by Paolo Bruciati
On Saturday, December 9th at 5:30 PM, the Cinema Teatro 4 Mori will host and organize, in collaboration with the Sillabe publishing house, the presentation of the book “Passionately to the Cinema – 75 years of associationism in Livorno” written by Paolo Bruciati. Starting from the immediate post-war period until today, the text tells the social, cultural and political transformations of the city through the observation and classification of numerous and diverse associations that have dealt and still deal with film culture. Among the various realities told, there is of course also that of the Cinema Teatro 4 Mori, and the presentation on Saturday, which will take place in the events room of the Palazzo dei Portuali, in via San Giovanni, 13 will be an opportunity to highlight its specificities, with particular attention to the history of the Amici del Cinema, in the broader context of film associations and the ways in which they have related over the years. Along with the author, the director of the structure Serena Cassarri, and well-known faces in the industry such as Donatella Nesti, Cristina Olivieri and Claudio Frontera will participate and speak.
“The idea – explains Bruciati – comes from a series of notes that I had collected a few years ago on the occasion of a mapping of cineforums and cineclubs that I realized for a local newspaper, and I must admit that I found it by chance. I continued to work on it starting from the research of what was the first experience in this sense, starting from the post-war period until today and analyzing exclusively historical activities and those still ongoing. I hope that the book will pique curiosity and be read not only by cinema enthusiasts, but also by those interested in the history of Livorno, because indirectly, as it is quite easy to understand, it also tells that”.
All lovers of the industry, as well as of associationism and more generally of the city’s events, are invited.
Free event with open admission.
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