My Generation – Flamen and KeMee and the collective Wez

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My Generation – Flamen and KeMee and the collective Wez

Saturday it will be Flamen and KeMee’s turn, as well as the Wez collective. Flamen, singer-songwriter and pop music composer of Sicilian origins, has been living in Livorno for a few years

Saturdays labeled My Generation are back, thanks to the collaboration between The Cage and the Florence-based Musicus Concentus, to bring young independent artists to the stage and engage the younger audience. Saturday will be the turn of Flamen and KeMee and the collective Wez. Flamen, a singer-songwriter and pop musician of Sicilian origin, has been living in Livorno for a few years. It is here that she meets the Tuscan KeMee, an electronic music producer and hip-hop dancer. Since 2020, the two have been working together to translate thoughts, emotions, and ideas into music, combining feelings and nature, poetry of emotions, and prose of daily concreteness. Wez, on the other hand, is a collective born in 2021 in Viareggio from the search for a refuge to express themselves, to escape from a provincial and often monotonous life: it is composed of Noise, Mata, Toad, Empty, and Causy. After releasing several singles on Soundcloud, Empty and Mata release the song Che pace//Che palle, which receives a decent response; in 2022, Wez joins Pulp Music, the independent Milanese record label owned by Giordano Colombo and Federico Nardelli, with whom they release their first three singles as a collective, Turuturu, Pubblicità, and Cuore in una busta. The three tracks have pop sounds with influences from rock, punk, and hip-hop. The project is supported by the two managers, as well as great friends, Gioele Amoruso and Mattia Bezzini. The distinctive element of the collective is the energy that the five manage to convey on stage, a mix of liveliness and empathy that always manages to captivate the audience. Meanwhile, between one concert and another, the Wez boys are working on the release of their first EP, always keeping an eye on simple things and fun. Following that and until late at night, My Generation Cage Night Party, tickets available for purchase at the cost of 10 euros, including the first drink (entry is reserved for those born up to and including 2005, those born in 2006 can enter starting from the first Saturday of January 2024).

My Generation – Flamen and KeMee and the collective Wez
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