Livorno to savor, tour on the red bus
  • Fri 15 September 2023
Incontro dei partecipanti alle ore 17.45 in Piazza del Municipio sotto la pensilina dei bus lato via Cogorano

Visit Livorno / Events / Livorno to savor, tour on the red bus

Livorno to savor, tour on the red bus

Cost for participation: €12 for adults and €5 for children aged 6 to 12 (participation is free for children under six), including red bus and tastings.

Booking: mandatory

Location and time: participants will meet at 17.45 in Piazza del Municipio under the bus shelter on the side of Via Cogorano.

Difficulty: none

Duration: 2 hours including tastings


Coop. Itinera Secretariat: 348.7382094

A guided tour to discover the gastronomic history of an unusual Livorno that will be carried out with the “red bus” of City Sightseeing and will allow you to reach lesser-known corners on the outskirts of the city center, but precisely because of that, they are fascinating in their unusualness. During the tour, there will be a stop at the artisan chocolate workshop of Cioccolato Giovannini where the taste buds will be delighted with a tasting of ice cream, the result of careful selection of raw materials and the creativity of the owner. At the end of the tour, we will be welcomed in the characteristic Piazza Cavallotti, which saw the birth of maestro Pietro Mascagni and is still the pulsating heart of the city: here, local shops and neighborhood shops keep culinary traditions alive and offer a selection of quality Tuscan products. They will be the ones to guide us in a tasting that combines the new and the ancient, the popular and excellence: from Bacci Formaggi cheese to organic honey from Regina di Noce, from the artisanal sausage of Norcineria Battaglia to Amaro Artista. On board the bus – narrating anecdotes, history, and art – some of the stories of “beautiful Livorno” will be told by the tourist guides of Galleria Uovo alla Pop. As every year for over a decade, Confesercenti is in charge of preparing the provincial program of the regional Vetrina Toscana project, thanks to a joint contribution from the Chamber of Commerce of Maremma and Tyrrhenian and the Tuscany Region. Even in 2023, Vetrina Toscana returns as the protagonist – thanks to the Confesercenti system – “Appunti di Viaggio. Racconti di Toscana tra cultura e cibo”, a wide range of initiatives involving the territories of the provinces of Siena, Arezzo, Prato, Pistoia (for all info, visit and Livorno, where the first stop featured Sassetta with a dinner in the streets of the small village on the night of the summer solstice, and the capital city is hosting the next scheduled event. With the patronage of the Municipality, a new edition of the tour on the Red Bus is planned after the sold-out edition of last year.

Livorno to savor, tour on the red bus
  • Livorno to savor, tour on the red bus
  • Livorno to savor, tour on the red bus
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    Livorno to savor, tour on the red bus
  • Livorno to savor, tour on the red bus
  • Livorno to savor, tour on the red bus
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