Leonardo da Vinci, Livorno, and the Day of Remembrance
  • Fri 26 January 2024

Visit Livorno / Events / Leonardo da Vinci, Livorno, and the Day of Remembrance

Leonardo da Vinci, Livorno, and the Day of Remembrance

Friday 26 January
What time?
At the City Museum of Livorno
What’s happening?
The conference “Hunting for Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing and the Nunes family, a Livorno family of Jewish origin” is scheduled.

On Friday, January 26th, at 5pm at the Museo della Città di Livorno, where the exhibition “Leonardo da Vinci. Beauty and Invention” is taking place, the conference “Hunting for Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing and Ilo Giacomo Nunes, a Livornese family of Jewish origin” is scheduled.
The initiative, curated by the scholar Massimo Signorini and included in the framework of the initiatives for the Day of Remembrance, concerns the thread that connects Leonardo da Vinci to the city of Livorno, namely the story of a grotesque autograph drawing by Leonardo, owned by the Livornese rabbi Ilo Giacomo Nunes. A story that has also been included in the exhibition catalog (Sillabe Editore).

Leonardo da Vinci, Livorno, and the Day of Remembrance
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