“Crafts”, at Vespucci-Colombo
  • Wed 6 March 2024
Bliblioteca Vespucci-Colombo

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“Crafts”, at Vespucci-Colombo

The afternoons of the Vespucci-Colombo library in Livorno continue in collaboration with Erasmo Libri. On Wednesday 6th March at 6pm, “Lavoretti” (Momo edizioni) by Boosta Pazzesca will be presented.

Two words about Side Jobs

“We are not what we work, right? Otherwise it would be a problem”.

With its vital and pyrotechnic adventures – between “party time” contracts, grotesque unpaid internships, eccentric sadomasochistic smart working and alienating days in the office – Boosta Pazzesca, all “emotional” and “instinctive”, with this novel aspires to become the spokesperson for an entire generation. A character so real that will enter your life and never leave.

Precariousness is a reality experienced by many. Side Jobs wants to tell it with the seriousness it deserves through the light and disenchanted irony typical of the character of Boosta Pazzesca. The events take place in Rome, a metropolis with great opportunities and endless work scams. There is no room for the whining that often accompanies this issue, but neither for a superficial or merely comedic narrative. The intention is to show with harshness the adventures that an honest (no doubt) and serious (more or less…) girl faces daily when she has demands: finding a job, being able to work in a serene environment, being paid for it.

The character of Boosta Pazzesca and the whole world he brings with him cannot do without the use of Romanesco dialect. Boosta’s language is alive and constantly changing, and in Side Jobs we have limited the use of Romanesco to dialogues and some terms in the narrative parts, without obviously distorting the original project, nor refining it excessively. The idea is to make the reading more fluid, but above all to enhance the comic effects that a more surgical use of the dialect provides.


MANUELA PINETTI is a screenwriter, film critic, essayist, and writer. She has collaborated with “Nuovo Paese Sera” and since 2006 she writes for “Rivista del Cinematografo”. She has published with “Flanerí” and is a freelance photographer.

GIANLUIGI CECCARELLI lives between Rome and Florence. He was a literary consultant for Rai Fiction and assistant director for Istituto Luce. He is a film critic, author of essays on Italian cinema, freelance copywriter and documentary screenwriter.

BOOSTA PAZZESCA twenty-four years old, has always lived in Laurentino 38, a cement and asphalt suburb in Rome south. Here a “busta” is a girl not exactly beautiful or even “nice”. Let’s just say a mess. But values are the important thing. In 2019 his first novel was released, Tre metri sotto er Laurentino P38. Boosta Pazzesca is the stage name and the character invented by the two authors Manuela Pinetti and Gianluigi Ceccarelli.

“Crafts”, at Vespucci-Colombo
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