Path for women’s evolution and awareness. The research and study project is in its third edition and also wants to introduce itself to the city of Livorno.
On Saturday, October 28th, at 6:00 PM, at the premises of the cultural association OndaLab Livorno (via del Metallo, 2 zona Nautico-Porta a Mare), there will be a presentation of the feminine path “Il Filo di Arianna”. It is a path for female evolution and awareness. The research and study project is in its third edition and also wants to introduce itself to the city of Livorno.
Federica de Angelis* and Patrizia Romano** are the creators and conductors of the project and research. Who is it for? For girls and women who have long felt the desire to get to know themselves and experience how to conduct themselves in daily life and in all relationships with the best part of themselves. In the context of the search for training, Patrizia and Federica have understood how much the awareness of female empowerment needs to rediscover its authentic wild and creative nature and that the strength of sharing and growth lies in uniting knowledge, science, and consciousness with as many women as possible, through approaches they have personally experienced and continue to do so personally and professionally.
On Saturday, October 28th, at 6:00 PM, they will be waiting for you at OndaLab, a creative space ready to welcome their experience in cultural and artistic activities that they will create with all the participants. Admission is free and reservations are welcome to reserve a space for each participant.
For information and reservations: Patrizia Romano (Whatsapp) 333-71.26.3332
*Federica De Angelis – Priestess of the Goddess and Sacred Sexuality, holistic operator specialized in female evolutionary cycles, teacher and specialist in holistic therapies such as shiatsu, MTC, flower therapy.
**Patrizia Romano – Entrepreneur educator, teacher, trainer, and counselor of evolutionary cycles, relational coach with a creative and integrated approach. She uses theatrical systemic constellations and objects, shamanic tools, and activities in creative writing and theater for bodily and emotional awareness.
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