Saturday 25th November, at 6.00 pm, at Symphony Record Shop, in Piazza Cavour, 23
An event organized by The Only Music Can Save Us Association, with Stefano Lucarelli and Massimo Volpi; with Paolo Muzzi, a passionate connoisseur of Nomadi’s music.
It is the early 1960s when between Modena and Reggio Emilia Beppe Carletti and Augusto Daolio decide to form their own band. Their debut takes place in 1963 and the chosen name is Nomadi, a name chosen somewhat by chance but perhaps also by destiny.
The Nomadi of Augusto Daolio “In the color of sounds, between plain sailors and enchanted forests” will be remembered on Saturday, November 25th, at 6.00 pm, by Symphony Record Shop, in Piazza Cavour, 23, for the meetings curated by the Association Only Music Can Save Us, by Stefano Lucarelli and Massimo Volpi; with them Paolo Muzzi, passionate connoisseur of Nomadi’s music.
The Nomadi are celebrating 60 years of musical career this year. In their long musical career, they have released eighty-two albums, including studio or live recordings and various collections; their latest, this year, is their new digital single titled “I Ragazzi del Ponte” (The Boys of the Bridge). They have sold a total of 15 million records.
Among their most famous songs are “Io vagabondo (che non sono altro)” (I, Vagabond), “Dio è morto” (God is dead), “Ti voglio” (I Want You), “Ho difeso il mio amore” (I Defended My Love), “Un pugno di sabbia” (A Fistful of Sand), “Un giorno insieme” (One Day Together), “Crescerai” (You Will Grow), “Tutto a posto” (Everything is Alright), “Canzone per un’amica” (Song for a Friend), “Io voglio vivere” (I Want to Live), “Sangue al cuore” (Blood to the Heart) and “Dove si va” (Where are We Going).
The undisputed leader of the band was Augusto Daolio, born in Novellara on February 18, 1947, died in 1992 at the age of 45.
In the band, Augusto became the singer, the author of the lyrics, and more generally the driving force. Born as a beat group, Nomadi was a complex capable of ranging from rock to pop, with vague prog incursions and always interested in politically-oriented folk.
Painting, another great artistic commitment of Daolio, has never been secondary to his musical activity and was the result of his natural and instinctive abilities. His way of drawing and painting was not slave to a method, just like his way of composing.
Everything that Augusto presented in music as well as in painting was always and in any case firmly rooted in the nature that he considered the mother and servant of all things.
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