At 7:30 PM
Free event
Once upon a time… Oh yes, how could we start differently to get you into the fantastic Disney world? Where fantasy, music, and songs have the ability to transport people of all ages to unknown and infinite destinations around the world. Who has never wished to fly like Peter Pan over the rooftops of London or to live in an enchanted castle in France like Beauty and the Beast and then sing with the fish in the waters of the virgin islands with Ariel and finally sit and watch the stars under the African sky with Mufasa and Simba.
The Harmony music school presents “Under the same moon”, we will take you on a new spectacular and exciting journey every time, towards the magic of Disney masterpieces, known and loved by the youngest but also by the oldest, who have left an indelible mark in the collective imagination through the stories and sounds of cultures from all around the world. It will be the students of the school who will perform the most famous and evocative songs of this magical world through a story that has been handed down from generation to generation.
And now try to close your eyes, think of something very beautiful, anything very beautiful, a sprinkle of fairy dust and off you go, enter the Disney fairy tales where everything is possible!
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