Choir and instruments for Domenico Papalini
  • Sat 8 June 2024

Visit Livorno / Events / Choir and instruments for Domenico Papalini

Choir and instruments for Domenico Papalini

Like every year, the Rodolfo Del Corona Choir organizes, under the artistic direction of Maestro Luca Stornello, an event in his memory: for this edition the Concert for Domenico – which will be held on Saturday 8 June at 9:00 PM at the new Church of Santa Lucia in Via Urano Sarti 89

Thirteen years have passed since his premature death, but the memory of Domenico Papalini is always alive in those who knew him and in those who could appreciate his undisputed human and professional qualities. A rare figure, active and proactive in work, solidarity, and cultural activities that he always pursued with passion.

Every year the Coro Rodolfo Del Corona organizes, under the artistic direction of Maestro Luca Stornello, an event in his memory: for this edition the Concert for Domenico – which will take place on Saturday, June 8 at 9 pm at the new Church of Santa Lucia in via Urano Sarti 89 – with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Livorno, becomes a meeting of choirs and instrumentalists, which will see the presence of the Quodlibet Choir of San Casciano directed by Maestro Eugenio Dalla Noce, and the Vincenzo Galilei Choir of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa directed by Maestro Gabriele Micheli.

Quodlibet will propose a repertoire ranging from 20th century authors to contemporary ones while the proposal of the Vincenzo Galilei choir will focus on the choral works of Anton Bruckner. The Del Corona Choir directed by Maestro Luca Stornello will open the concert with some pieces from their a cappella repertoire.

To enrich the evening, the participation of another of Domenico’s many friends, Maestro Stefano Agostini on the flute, who will enhance the evening by interacting – at the beginning of the concert – with the Rodolfo Del Corona Choir, and will perform a Bach Sonata duo with Maestro Micheli on the harpsichord.

A truly rich and varied evening, in the sign of friendship and quality, with the different voices of the choirs and instruments that will enhance the acoustic characteristics of the church.

Appointment for Saturday, June 8 at 9 pm at Santa Lucia, in Banditella. Admission is free.

Choir and instruments for Domenico Papalini
  • Choir and instruments for Domenico Papalini
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