February 28 at 6pm, Feltrinelli Bookstore (via Di Franco, 12)
After the great success of “Manuale di (r)esistenza”, Enrico Chelini returns to the bookstore to present his new book “Autostima+++ Diventa chi sei”, Epc Editore
After the great success of “Manual of (r)esistance”, Enrico Chelini returns to the bookstores to present his new book “Self-esteem+++ Become who you are”, Epc Publisher.
The author, through his vast experience in the professional field, guides the reader in discovering the value and correct definition of self-esteem. And how challenging his research can be, far from obvious. How many times have we felt inadequate, not up to professional and private tasks, conditioned by fears, often illogical, or by excuses that distort reality. Through his book, Enrico Chelini leads the reader, thanks to concrete examples, in building a different mindset. And if our lives were nothing more than the sum of experiences we are trying to avoid?
Enrico Chelini, psychologist and psychotherapist, trained under the direct supervision of Prof. Giorgio Nardone, has been working for years in the field of psychotherapy and coaching. He is the author of numerous scientific articles and an international trainer, with professional studies in Livorno, Pisa, Viareggio.
The well-known artist Emiliano Geppetti will moderate the event.
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