AD INTRA – On spirituality in art
  • From Fri 19 July to Sun 21 July,
  • from Fri 26 July to Sun 28 July.
Livorno, Cripta di San Jacopo, Piazza San Jacopo in Acquaviva

Visit Livorno / Events / AD INTRA – On spirituality in art

AD INTRA – On spirituality in art

19-21 and 26-28 July
Time 20:45 – 22:45
Organized by The Forgotten Jewel Committee and curated by Jacopo Suggi
Exhibiting Bruno Florio, Floriana Gerosa, Marco Meini, Paolo Netto.

For the second year, the ancient crypt of San Jacopo in Acquaviva, located under the homonymous church in Livorno, hosts a contemporary art exhibition, the collective exhibition AD INTRA – on spirituality in art.
The exhibition curated by Jacopo Suggi involves four protagonists of the Livorno art scene: Florio, Gerosa, Meini and Netto, artists with very different attitudes and research behind them, with a prestigious career.
The exhibition offers a glimpse into the investigation by the four artists on the theme of spirituality, that principle of inner necessity, as Kandinsky called it, which has always accompanied art.
Since the dawn of the first civilizations, artistic practice has been directed towards the will to give form to what is intangible to the eyes, whether this reality is put at the service of the divine, or for a mysticism that can articulate in very different directions; it is however an inner search, a journey of discovery, a yearning for balance and harmony.
Through sculpture, painting and installation, the four artists showcase some instances of this research, highlighting how contemporary art has not necessarily lost its transcendental dimension.
This dimension is found both in the conceptual research of Paolo Netto, who intertwines reflection between Catholic religion and environmental themes, through works such as Our Daily Bread, and in the investigation of formal and expressive balance of different materials carried out by Bruno Florio in works such as The Last Supper. Marco Meini’s work on the lands, the technique closest to the mystery of creation of which the demiurge knows the secrets, is used by the artist to create figures of clear Mediterranean inspiration; while Floriana Gerosa’s sculptures are large reliefs, inscribing her narrative on cement surfaces interpreting sacred scriptures.
The exhibited works also dialogue with one of the oldest and most evocative sacred places in Livorno, in a space that has its origins in history and legend.

Opening: Friday 19 at 9:00 PM
Open from July 19-21 and 26-28 from 8:45 PM to 11:00 PM.
Free entrance.

AD INTRA – On spirituality in art
Visit Livorno

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