• Sat 11 May 2024,
  • Sun 12 May 2024.



The goal is to explore in depth the characteristics of the molecular memory of water and how it serves as the ultimate information carrier, as well as its role as the matrix of existence

The wonders of water and its complexity, water as a vital principle, the ability of water to be a carrier of information, the therapeutic properties of water, and also water and Earth’s magnetism are just some of the themes that will be addressed at the international conference, on Saturday May 11 and Sunday May 12, 2024 at the Palazzo Pancaldi Conference Center in Livorno, where an important event dedicated to the research work of two extraordinary scientists: Emilio Del Giudice and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier.

Scientists, researchers, and professionals from various disciplines will present the development of their research in the exploration of water as a complex entity, natural intelligence, and evolutionary force and energy of all existing forms.

The aim is to deeply explore the characteristics of water’s molecular memory and how it serves as an information carrier par excellence, as well as its role as the matrix of existence.

Furthermore, some of the first scientific evidence obtained through independent experiments on the concept of Quantum Teleportation will be presented. A unique opportunity to explore and discuss groundbreaking results.

“Using biologically and energetically healthy water in life and nutrition is fundamental for our survival – says Claudio Viacava – water should truly be considered our first medicine.”

“Imagine a world where molecular music and quantum teleportation, even if not perceived, are true, real, and concrete around you, opening the doors to evolutionary intelligence – explains Stefano Turini – this world exists, and it’s time to enter it with water as a guide.”

The congress was born and developed under the guidance of the Scientific Committee composed of Claudio Viacava, Stefano Turini, Aleksandra Maksimovic.

The conference is addressed to researchers, academics, holistic practitioners, professionals and all those interested in the topics discussed, who wish to deepen their knowledge and acquire new tools useful for their activity and health.

The speakers come from different fields of science: Molecular Biology, Quantum Physics, Bioresonance, Bioinformatics, Vibrational and Quantum Medicine. Many of them have dedicated their studies to the subliminal properties of water. Each of them offers their own knowledge, the result of years of research and insights from different points of view of their scientific and relational specificity, giving rise to a creative discussion, full of new possibilities and tools for the health of individuals, every living being, and the planet.

The Congress closes with a round table where the presenters discuss the theme: water, the seed of life. At the end of the discussion, the audience will have the opportunity to interact with questions.

At the Pancaldi congress center, there are several stands set up with the exhibition of products from companies operating in the field of natural integration, as well as publishers of books and magazines in the sector.

For information: info@congressoamie.it cell. +39 3806867065

The speakers

  • Claudio Viacava – Nutritionist Biologist, Naturopath, Psychologist, Psychotherapist. Lecturer at Universities and Professional Training Schools in Naturopathy and Complementary Medicines.
  • Stefano Turini – Molecular Biologist, Biochemist, Geneticist, Bioinformatician, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Microbiology at the Alma Mater Europaea (AMEU-ECM) in Maribor and Koper, Slovenia.
  • Aleksandra Maksimovic – Physiotherapist, Founder and Director of the Alvita Plus center for Physical, Holistic, Integrative, Quantum, and Manual Medicine in Belgrade, Serbia. Teacher of Integrative Medicine IIMA (International Integrative Medicine Academy).
  • Piergiorgio Spaggiari – Physics and Medical Doctor, specialized in Sports Medicine, currently General Director of the Hospital Company of Lodi, author of numerous scientific publications.
  • Giorgio Terziani – Visiting professor in Wellness Disciplines at the Saint George Training School (Brescia); Twenty years of experience in research and development on Nutraceuticals and Oxygen Chains. Speaker and scientific disseminator and co-author of the books: Physiological modulation of oxygen on demand and Nutraceuticals 3 Nutrigenomics.
  • Sabrina Melino – Graduate in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, Phd in Philosophy of Science, specialized in natural therapies. Scholar and researcher organizing courses and seminars for health professionals and after a Phd, she is developing a wellness model based on Hildegardian medicine.
  • Giusy Messina – Psychologist Psychotherapist expert in PNEI, obtained a Ph.D. in Person Training at the University of Bergamo. Specialist in flower therapy and phytotherapy, she founded in Milan the International Institute of PNEI, the world’s first institute for research, care, and diagnosis in the field of Psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology (PNEI). Author of over 150 scientific publications.
  • Giuliana Conforto – Graduate in Physics with a specialization in Astrophysics. Professor of Analytical Mechanics at the Universidad del Los Andes, Venezuela and Quantum Physics at the University of L’Aquila and University of Calabria. Founder of Organic Physics, a science that includes co-science. Author of many articles and books including “The amazing wonders of water”.
  • Carlo Ventura – Full Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Bologna. Director of the National Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Bioengineering of Stem Cells of the National Institute of Biostructures and Biosystems (www.inbb.it). Member of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB). In 2010, he founded VID art|science.
  • Giuseppe Vitiello – Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Salerno. Associated with INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics). Ph.D. in Physics, University of Wisconsin, USA, 1974. Conducts research on elementary particles, solid-state physics, biological systems, and brain studies. Collaborated with Luc Montagnier and Emilio Del Giudice.
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