The 2023/2024 theater season at Teatro 4 Mori is curated by the “Compagnie Livornesi Riunite.”
Start time: 4 PM
Ticket prices
0-3 years free (with child sitting on lap)
Reduced (over 65 and holders of a ticket from a previous show) 10 euros
Full price 13 euros
A great classic of Livorno’s vernacular theater returns to the stage thanks to the commitment of the La Carovana company, directed by Alessio Nencioni. This is “The Imaginary Invalid” by Giuseppe Pancaccini, a play written in 1975, which has become an absolute cult over time in the Livorno landscape, but not only, linked to traditional productions.
On Sunday, March 10 at 4 pm, as part of the International Women’s Day week, the curtain of the Teatro 4 Mori will open on a work that is able to make you laugh, but also leads to reflection.
“The classic matriarchal family – explains Nencioni – where the old woman maneuvers first and then resolves the situation. A complex, not simple work, a challenging comedy, with eleven actors on stage.”
The first-rate cast includes Alessio Nencioni himself (in the role of the protagonist Rosa) with Mario Barbini, Katia Collorà, Francesco Santini, Daniele Guidi, Claudio Porri, Vincenzo Coscia, Valeria Nuti, Claudio Pulia, Cinzia Labardi, Francesca Calvelli.
“The comedy was originally called Mamma Rosa, then the title changed – the director continues. An old woman is in bed, with invented problems in order to reconcile her three sons who can’t stand each other. There is an ongoing conflict among them, which makes her suffer. Furthermore, she has always been alone, and out of necessity, she had to send one of them to the orphanage. That’s why the son doesn’t call her mom but aunt. Another circumstance she can’t accept”. A story of false illnesses, invented hallucinations, leading to a happy ending, with the reunion of the siblings and Rosa sitting on the bed smiling pleased with her accomplishment. “We propose it on the occasion of an important celebration, that of women. There will also be a small token for every woman in the audience, and the much appreciated presence of the author among the public; I hope to have him speak at the end of the evening”.
For Nencioni, “The Imaginary Invalid” carries a particular flavor. ‘It has a great significance. My uncle Roberto Simon used to play my part from the very beginning. Wearing those clothes will be an emotion, even though I will never be as good as he was’.
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