DRUSILLA FOER in Venere Nemica
  • Tue 26 November 2024
Teatro Goldoni

Visit Livorno / Events / DRUSILLA FOER in Venere Nemica

DRUSILLA FOER in Venere Nemica

The Goldoni Theater is pleased to present again the show that last season had been postponed due to the artist’s health problems; please note that tickets remain valid for entry. (Info 0586 204237)

Savà Creative Productions presents
DRUSILLA FOER in Enemy Venus
and with Elena Talenti
written by Drusilla Foer and Giancarlo Marinelli
directed by Dimitri Milopulos
artistic production by Franco Godi for Best Sound

Venus, Goddess of beauty and love, still exists. An immortal creature, the ancient Goddess lives today far from Olympus and her relatives, immature, vindictive, capricious, imprisoned like the Goddess herself in the eternal time bubble that is immortality. She has found a home in Paris, among humans, whose mortality she envies, forcing them to live urgently emotions, experiences, feelings. Venus can afford to be imperfect among humans.
Because of her relationship with her mysterious maid, Venus, at a time when men no longer believe in gods but in heroes, plunges back into the past.
Inspired by the fable of Apuleius “Amor and Psyche”, Enemy Venus reinterprets the Myth in a funny and moving way at the same time, balancing between tragedy and comedy, declining the great themes of the Classic in contemporary times: the mother-in-law/daughter-in-law competition, beauty fading, maternal possessiveness towards children, the secular conflict between men and Gods.
Enemy Venus is a theatrical piece supported by music with an unexpected, intense, cruel repertoire.

DRUSILLA FOER in Venere Nemica
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